Our Recruiters

Meet our recruiters at Sagius, our recruiters are ready to help you find the right job. With their expertise, personal approach, and knowledge of the job market, they ensure you get off to a strong start.

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Agnieszka Mazinska

Agnieszka Mazinska

Function HR Senior Recruiter Poland
Discipline Bleiswijkseweg 43A, Zoetermeer
Phone number T  (+31) 06 288 544 31
Elena Liciu

Elena Liciu

Function HR Recruiter Romania
Discipline Bleiswijkseweg 43A, Zoetermeer
Phone number T  (+31) 06 284 997 92 
Emailaddress elena@sagius.ro
Gabriela Zupcanova

Gabriela Zupcanova

Function HR Recruiter
Discipline A Mlynská 28, Košice, Slovakia
Phone number T +421 919 455 503
Emailaddress gabriela@sagius.sk
Lívia Rinkáč Kocúrová

Lívia Rinkáč Kocúrová

Function Senior Recruiter – Office Manager
Discipline A Mlynská 28, Košice, Slovakia
Phone number +421 910 458 860
Emailaddress livia@sagius.hu
Monika Jakubcsíková

Monika Jakubcsíková

Function HR assistant
Discipline Mlynská 28, Košice, Slovakia
Phone number T +421915395436
Emailaddress monika@sagius.sk