21/12/2020 | 11:09
On 8 December, we will probably hear from Prime Minister Rutte that the current measures will remain in force until mid-January. That would be a huge setback for the hotel and catering industry in particular. Our hearts go out to this sector. For us as recruiter of migrant workers in Eastern European countries, the website nederlandwereldwijd.nl is leading to determine where and when we can bring new migrant workers to the Netherlands for work. On this website, you can see which countries have which colour code. The yellow code means a green light to travel for work, orange means a 5-day or 10-day quarantine after you have arrived in the Netherlands as a temporary agency worker and red indicates that this country is closed for travellers from abroad. At the moment, there are enough migrant workers already in the Netherlands to provide our clients with personnel, which we are very happy with. We keep you actively informed of developments and strictly follow the advice of the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM, Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu) and the Outbreak Management Team (OMT).